Online Training Programme on Software Protection under Intellectual Property Law

Within the scope of the "Turkish Software Works Archive and Encyclopedia Project" numbered 2103038, which we are conducting under the coordination of the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism, General Directorate of Copyright, "Online Training Programme on the Protection of Software within the Scope of Intellectual Property Law" was held on 30 March 2022.

With the contributions of the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism, our Board Member Mr. In the training moderated by Abdulkadir Kayıklı, detailed information was shared on copyrights, conditions for software to be a work and copyright in software, industrial property protection in software and optional registration-registration applications in software, and questions were answered at the end of the training.


- Dr Eda ÇATAKLAR / Bilgi University Faculty Member BİLFİM

- Bayram DAŞBAŞI / Turkish Patent and Trademark Office Patent Expert

- Diren YEĞEN & Ersin EREN / Copyright Gen